King David, the wayfaring soldier of the Lord and champion of Israel, was no stranger to loneliness, fear and a constant companion to the horrors of war, but David was also a man who shared a deep and unwavering love for the God of Israel.

Though the warriors’ life was most often a transitory one in which many long weeks, months and sometimes years were spent in the tent or on the open ground at night and on the battlefield during the day, the longing for home and for the hills of Jerusalem was what encouraged the pilgrim’s heart and gave him hope for the future.

David’s words paint a serene picture of hope beyond one’s circumstances that anticipates a grand and glorious reunion in the beloved city with his family, friends and loved ones. David knew and we should too that self-effort, apart from Divine intervention in our lives, is futile when seeking perfect peace, a reunion with loved ones and a home with God in heaven someday…It’s only through His providential hand of mercy and His timeless (as the hills themselves) love for the crown of His creation that we have an eternal rest for our weary, soldier’s body AND a grand and glorious reunion with our family, friends and loved ones one day in an indescribable place prepared with His very own hands!

I hope and pray that your journey will begin (if it hasn’t already) and end with the God of the everlasting hills and that heaven is as sure a destination for you as Jerusalem (and heaven) was to David.