Something on my mind this Sunday evening that I wanted to share briefly... September 18 thru 20th has now come and gone in Israel and this makes me happy because on the Feast of Trumpets this year there was no 7-year peace treaty signed between Israel and ALL of her Arab (Gentile) neighbors!

This is VERY GOOD NEWS because I was wrong, as I hoped I would be, about it possibly being signed this year and 'officially' commencing Daniel's 70th Week, or as most refer to it...the Tribulation period!

The reason I'm most happy is because it virtually assures a Trump victory in November! Why? Because I CANNOT envision a Biden-Harris administration or ANY OTHER ADMINISTRATION in the foreseeable future being willing or capable of negotiating or administering a TOTAL Israeli/Arab peace accord!...For whatever reason, the Arabs for the most part are friendly with the Trump administration and with Jared Kushner in particular!

So, the awaited fulfilment of the first of the Fall Feasts of Israel, the Feast of Trumpets, has been postponed at least for one more year and that should make us ALL VERY HAPPY!

Have a wonderful week! 😊 God Bless!🛐🌺✝️❤️🙏

Part 2

Keep your eyes on Jerusalem and the Middle East leading up to Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) of this year! Unless I miss my guess, (and I certainly hope I do), something momentous and world altering could occur on or around September 18 – 20!

Let’s break it down quickly in bullet points as the 1st of 7 total Trumpet blasts sound…

• The person who will become the Antichrist (in much the same way Satan entered Judas) may likely be in Israel as I write and will negotiate a very specific 7-year peace treaty (Daniel 9:27) that will trade ‘land for peace’ in Israel that will, as I said, allow the Jews to rebuild their Temple on the Temple Mount in return for a Palestinian homeland.

• Although the world will initially praise the new found peace in a region that has been at war for thousands of years, that joy will slowly dissolve as the New World Order forms in Europe with the introduction of 10 global Bio-regions headed up by a Harlot religious/political system (Revelation 17). This Harlot is an apostate, ecumenical form of Christianity and Judaism who at first is riding upon a beast (the Antichrist) who undergirds and gives her support to ravage true Christians and cause the deaths of multiplied millions who will not conform…and this is just the beginning of the persecution!

• Possibly because of the persecution, unrest, and uncertainty worldwide and the descent into lawlessness and anarchy, the church will suffer another prophesied event…Paul called it the ‘Apostacy’ in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 in which there will be a mass exodus from even the rudimentary teachings of the Bible and a total defection from the faith in the atoning work of Christ on the cross! The faith of many will grow cold as John said in Revelation and overt hatred of the things of God will ensue! Good will be called evil and EVIL will be considered good! Many will die in the ensuing persecution even as a worldwide revival is going on underground! (Joel 2:28-32)

• Exactly 3 ½ years after the signing of the 7-year peace treaty (covenant), Satan will enter the man (the 666 beast of Revelation 13) and he will stop the Jewish sacrifices he at first allowed the Jews to resume in their Temple and then enter the Holy of Holies in the Temple to declare himself to be God! He will profane the Temple by possibly sacrificing a pig or some other unclean animal on the altar of sacrifice and demand that the entire earth now worship him above the God of heaven and receive his ‘mark’ in their hand or forehead to prove their allegiance to him and be able to buy or sell! (Revelation 13:16-17) This ultimate sacrilege was prophesied by our Lord in Matthew 24:15 and the event will officially begin the period known as the Great Tribulation…the final 3 ½ years (1260 days or 42 months noted in several places in Revelation). Note: The 7th or ‘last’ trumpet blast in the series (1 Corinthians 15:52) will occur at the beginning of the 7th year

• I told you it was already BAD, but now it’s really going to get bad! The entire Book of Revelation paints a picture of political, social, economic, spiritual, physiological, astrological and psychological turmoil that the earth and heavens has never seen! God is seen as the rescuer, the salvation of all mankind Who will turn many to His son for the full pardon of sin…and Satan’s man, the Antichrist, claims for himself ONLY what belongs to THE God…worship of all mankind! As the earth and it’s inhabitants endure the trumpet and seal judgements in anticipation of the Rapture of the Church BEFORE the wrath of God is poured out in the Vial Judgements in Revelation 16, a promise is offered to the saints of God who enter this awful period! It’s found in Luke 21:36 and I would hope that you and anyone you can share it with would commit it to memory NOW…It reads…

• “Watch you therefore, and pray ALWAYS, that you may be counted WORTHY to escape all these things that will come to pass and STAND before the Son of Man!” What is the great multitude before the throne of God and the Lamb in Revelation 7:9 and 14 doing in heaven while the wrath of God is being poured out on the earth…WE are STANDING...rescued, safe and secure in the presence of the Lamb!

Keep your eyes on Israel! God bless!

Part 1

Keep your eyes on Jerusalem and the Middle East leading up to Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) of this year! Unless I miss my guess, (and I certainly hope I do), something momentous and world altering could occur on or around September 18 – 20!

You’ll rarely ever hear a Bible teacher say this BUT…I hope I’m wrong about what I’m going to share, but I’d rather share it and be wrong and called a fool than not share it and it come to pass...Here goes…

On the first day of the seventh month (Tishrei) at the new moon, which this year will be on September 17th, trumpets are blown to announce the Hebrew holiday of Yom Teruah or the Feast of Trumpets. Our Jewish friends call it Rosh Hashanah which means ‘Head of the Year’ because it is the Jewish ‘New Years Day’. It is the 5th of 7Jewish Feasts to be fulfilled prophetically.

The first 4 (and I won’t describe each in this short study) Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits and Feast of Weeks were fulfilled in the springtime during Christ’s ministry. The last 3 (and this study will only deal with 1) will be fulfilled in the fall of the year, and it’s this writer’s opinion that this year, 2020, could see the fulfillment of the first of the fall feasts…the Feast of Trumpets!

Books have been written concerning what I’m going to condense for this short study but suffice it to say that if I’m right and the Feast of Trumpets is fulfilled this year…in just a few weeks…this world as we know it, will never be the same and prophetic themes first foreseen thousands of years ago beginning with Moses, will begin to converge into one final period of time described by the prophet Daniel while serving in the palace of the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar…It is described in two ways…simply as the 70th Week of Daniel from the contents of his prophecy in Daniel 9:27 or more notably today as the ‘Tribulation’ and subsequent ‘Great Tribulation’ period described by Jesus in Matthew 24:15-21!

While many complacent, unprepared, unrepentant, sleepy Christians are waiting for an IMAGINARY, pie-in-the-sky hope of a PRE-Tribulation rapture to deliver them from the catastrophic times detailed in Daniel’s prophecy and that of our Lord, the final phase of this world’s history may be upon us! (See my article on this website - The Rapture...When?) As I said, books have been written about what I’m going to summarize and many of the details will have to be omitted to keep it short and easily read in a couple of sittings. Let’s begin...

The Feast of Trumpets as the name implies will be initiated, as in times past in Israel, by the blowing of the Shofar (this year from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem – the first time in over 300 years!). It will signal a solemn assembly, a warning, but also a preliminary announcement of a coming King to the believing in Israel and to those of us who call ourselves Christians…those grafted into the ‘olive branch’ of Israel!

The sound of the trumpet will symbolically 'awaken' a sleeping church who never thought they would see this day, and usher in a bittersweet pseudo-peace to Israel and the Middle East that will bring joy and peace to them at first (1 Thessalonians 5:13), but will consummate in 3 ½ years by the commencement of the most horrific period of time of unprecedented trouble for the nation of Israel and the entire WORLD! So, what am I talking about and why should we be concerned about something that happens on the other side of the globe in a small Jewish country surrounded by Muslim nations bent on their destruction???

We should be concerned because there has never been a more opportune time in the history of the Jewish and Arab peoples to witness a peace accord, a 7-YEAR peace accord, that will more than likely allow the Jewish people to rebuild their ancient Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and concede land to the Palestinians for a ‘temporary’ homeland. I say temporary because it will only be theirs for 3 ½ years before the terms of the 7-year peace accord are shattered!

We call the first 3 ½ years (1260 days) the Tribulation…the next 3 ½ years rightfully the GREAT TRIBULATION as our Lord described it because it will be a time of unprecedented horror, bloodshed, turmoil, tragedy and sadness that the earth has ever witnessed! I say the earth because it too will suffer as a result of catastrophic astral phenomena that will bombard the planet because of the rampant sin and corruption (as in the days of Noah), but also at the hands of a Satan-indwelt man the Bible refers to as the Antichrist, and his cohort who will assist him in his diabolical, gut-wrenching attacks on the people of God…the False Prophet!

Part 2 tomorrow!


04.09.2020 02:18

Paul E. Fisher

Tim, God Bless you for getting this message out there. Brothers and sister in Christ Jesus heed this message. My brother Tim is trying to warn you of the things to come. And they will happen very soon

05.09.2020 13:34

Tim Snider

Thank you Paul!

03.09.2020 18:21


Thank you. God sits on his throne. Jesus is his son. And His timing is perfect.

03.09.2020 22:59

Tim Snider

Thank you Stayce!

02.09.2020 19:41

Debbie Stewart Hendrick

I believe it is getting very close to time for sure

03.09.2020 22:59

Tim Snider

Yes He is Debbie!

02.09.2020 19:00

Carol clary

This is awesome. He Jimmy Swaggert has written a boot called the Rapture. It's a wonderful book and goes right a long with your teaching. I used to read everything I could on prophecy and end times .

02.09.2020 16:47

Paul E. Fisher

I'm with you on being For I want to be out of here enjoying a wedding feast before this praying that is His will.