The wealthiest, most brilliant, most successful man who ever lived had come to the end of his life and professed in no uncertain terms the futility of a life apart from God...Remembering his youth with its vigor, caution to the wind mentality, while giving no thought for tomorrow had brought him to the end of life's journey despairingly morose and cynical of the state of old age (with all it's problems) he had found himself in.

Although written in beautiful poetic prose Solomon began to remember his youth wasted in frivolous pursuits and associations and finally declaring that the sum of all this life has to offer is "vanity"...empty and void of true meaning.

Indeed, if all we have to show for the life that God has given us is what we can demonstrate in a balance book or in the sum of our material possessions, we are indeed of all men most miserable! Whether you're old or young the quality of your existence on the earth God allows you to experience depends solely upon the relationship you have with the One who created you for His enjoyment!

Want real joy, real peace, real contentment? Seek out and find a relationship with the source of all those coveted virtues you long to possess. In this brief sojourn on this earth, let your life have real meaning, real purpose and real reward some day...

Thinking and praying for all of you (young and old) who read these words...God only bless and keep each of you in His loving care! ❤