Let your words be simple, few and well-chosen...

I had a preacher tell me one time (and you may think this impossible unless you know me personally) that he actually felt a little uncomfortable around me because I just didn't talk much. In fact, the most talking I suppose I do at any one time, and Renea will verify this, is when I'm teaching in Sunday School on Sunday morning! God made me that way and I'm really glad He did because it gives me the opportunity to listen to Him speak to me through others!

Someone said "It's better to keep quiet and let everyone think you're smart than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"…and there's a great deal of truth in that. It would be like me trying to use overinflated, double and triple-jointed words to try to get a point across to a 6-year old!

What if my oldest son Shane had come to me as a youngster and pulled a dead rat out of his pocket (and he might have done it) and said... "Hey dad, look at this!" and me saying..."Son, my olfactory organs tell me that the rodent which you now have in your possession has through the chemical process of decomposition arrived at a high state of putrifaction, and I think (holding up the trash can) it would be the height of wisdom for you to convey same hence!"

Well of course Shane, being the brilliant child he was and so much like his dad, would look up at me with those piercing dark eyes and say…"HUH?" So that's why I try (and have to fight the urge at times) to keep my words simple, few and well-chosen, because God has called me to teach and I take that responsibility with its accountability as one who both fears and gives reverence to that calling.

God Bless all of those who faithfully teach, preach and share, but most importantly...LIVE by the words they speak...God bless you all! ❤