Ever wonder what God's will for your life is? This verse and a few others tell us in no uncertain terms what at least one aspect of His will for our life is...We are in EVERYTHING to 'give thanks'!!

It's easy to give thanks at Thanksgiving, at Christmas, at a Birthday, anniversary or wedding celebration where joy, peace and love are the themes of those celebrations. We want, need and should be happy and thankful at these quintessential gatherings, BUT what do we do when the situation is one of fear, death, sadness or any one of a thousand different situations that painfully enter our lives during our brief sojourn on earth?

I'm convinced that whatever situation arises, good or bad, is planned, orchestrated or allowed by God Almighty for our benefit, someone near to us, or someone in the future AND for His ultimate glory!

Satan is the 'prince' or authority over the fallen world in which we live and is 'allowed' to do what he does...'kill, steal and destroy' but God ALWAYS, if we'll let Him, produce roses out of briars, streams out of deserts and joy out of sorrows!

The old familiar verse in Romans 8:28 says that "ALL things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose." Any situation, good, bad or ugly is an opportunity for us who claim the name of Christ to shine and bring honor to the Kingdom of God!

Now I didn’t say it would be easy, but we should always give thanks because God is going to use our response to strengthen, mature and fashion us into the image of His Son!

Have a super Saturday! ❤