🌺 Anyone who has ever loved someone deeply knows that heartache, pain and sorrow is the high price we pay for that kind of love…Should we avoid those kinds of relationships to protect ourselves from the inevitable in life and the pain associated with our love, or should we embrace true love as our Lord did and offer up ourselves to the consequences of what we hold so dear?

God said “I have loved you with an everlasting love…” knowing full well that His unending love would cost Him the pain and heartache of watching His Son die so cruel a death as any man ever endured!

So Yes, embrace true love, because when you do, the circle of life is complete as God designed it and with each heartache comes an opportunity to glorify and be brought into a binding relationship with Him…sanctified and sealed by a love that doesn’t count the cost but unconditionally gives itself to others!

I LOVE you all! 💖


10.01.2020 12:31


Oh yes! His example was for us all! Love unending!

10.01.2020 19:46

Tim Snider

Thank you JT! Have a blessed weekend!