Just a simple collection of thoughts to ponder...

Just a simple collection of thoughts to ponder...

Your prayer time should be the sweetest time of your day because you're talking to the One who loves you more than ANYONE ever could! 🌈✝️🦋😊🌺🙏

A takeaway from our study in Colossians this morning...It's not WHAT we know that makes us Christians, but WHO we know. Knowing God is knowing Christ through His word and God's word is not just for our information...it's for our transformation! 🍁🙏🌺🤠❤✝️

The rewards of loving and obeying God are far greater than anything the world has to offer! ❤✝️🛐🌈

We come to the point sometime when we just feel like giving up...like there's nothing but trials and troubles from here to the skyline...But you know what? Attitude and a willingness to try and make a difference when everything in sight tells you that you can't is what's going to get us through...Never give up, never quit and never no never lose faith in the One who'll see us through...Love ya'll!

Everything we do, say, think or feel should be done with eternity in view because our life here is but a vapor in the grand scheme of things and pleasing God, Who holds eternity in His hands, is why we were created in the first place!!! (Ecclesiastes 12:13) Have a wonderfully blessed week friends in service to the King! 👑🍁🍂🌈✝️🙏

Suffering is sometimes overwhelming unless we can see God's purpose in allowing it...To retain hope in the midst of suffering shows we understand God's mercy! 🛐

An idol is anything that takes God's place in our life...Money, success, material things...even family and religious work! GOD desires our TOTAL and UNCONDITIONAL commitment to Him...Anything less subordinates Him to just another paltry interest and whatever it is establishes an IDOL in our heart! 🌈✝️❤🙏🛐

God is NOT in the 'hurting' business...He's in the 'healing' business...and we should be too, because the greatest tragedy in life is not that things get broken...but that they're not mended again! 💔

Jesus showed us mercy we did not deserve and grace we could not earn...Without either, we would die in our sins! Hallelujah what a Savior! 🙏🌺🌈✝️

I'm just sayin', but in life...the only thing that's really important is that which is eternal! Have a fantastic Friday friends! 🌺🍁🤠🌈🍂✝️

One day you will hug your last hug...One day you will kiss your last kiss...One day you will touch your last touch...and One day you will say your last word.. Live each day as though it were your last to hug, to kiss, to touch and to speak because we're not promised another to let them know how much we love them. I wish I could give you all a hug this Sunday morning. Each of you in your own,, unique way have found a place in my heart and I hope I've found a small place in yours. ✝️🌈🙏🌺🤗

In order to make peace with God AND your fellow man or woman...turn your problems into prayers and let God work it out for you! Love y'all! 🤠🍁❤🌺🙏🇺🇲✝️

I was just thinkin'...If I could start leaving EVERYTHING in God's hands, I'd eventually start seeing God's hands IN everything! HAVE A WONDERFUL Week friends! 🌺🤠🍁🌈🦋🇺🇲✝️

Remember...God ALWAYS turns what Satan meant for evil into a blessing for His people! We may not see it immediately but look for the blessing in all this! It's coming!! 🌺🙏✝️🇺🇸🦋

Just sayin'... Wisdom has always existed but not always in a wise way! 🤔

Definition of a broken heart 💔...The price you pay for loving someone...🥺

I think maybe there are two kinds of people in the world...those who wake up in the morning and say "Good morning Lord," and those who wake up and say "Good Lord, it's morning!" Which are you? 😊

Good morning friends! 🌄🍁 Remember...It's not what life holds for you that's important...It's what you bring to it! ❤️

When we move closer and more dependent upon God, He moves closer to us to meet our needs. ✝️🙏🌈😊

I'm learning that life is much better lived when you don't center it on what's happening around you but rather on what's happening inside you... Love you all! ❤

Blessed in the here and now...Joy unspeakable in another time, another place...yet to be discovered! 🌺🌄🙏🏻🌈✝️

I’m just sayin’, but in my lifetime I’ve given God a million reasons to NOT love me but none of them changed His mind. 💖

I'm just sayin', but sometimes God requires that WE be the change that we want to see in others...

Jesus lamented over Jerusalem as He cried "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered you together as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, but you wouldn't let Me." Jesus wanted to gather His people together as a hen protects her chicks under her wings but they wouldn't let Him. He also wants to protect us if we'll let Him.

Many times we hurt and don't know where to turn. We reject His help because we don't think He can give us what we need. But Who knows our needs better than our Creator???

Those who turn to Jesus will find help and comfort as no one else can... 🌺✝️🌈🙏

Your prayer time should be the sweetest time of your day because you're talking to the One who loves you more than ANYONE ever could! 🌈✝️🦋😊🌺🙏

We come to the point sometime when we just feel like giving up...like there's nothing but trials and troubles from here to the skyline...But you know what? Attitude and a willingness to try and make a difference when everything in sight tells you that you can't, is what's going to get us through...Never give up, never quit and never no never lose faith in the One who'll see us through...Love ya'll!

Want peace with God?...Make peace with your fellow man (or woman). Want peace with your fellow man (or woman)?...Make peace with God. Today, Im praying you have peace with both!

Fearful??? Don't be...God chose you and me and everyone reading this SPECIFICALLY for this hour, this day, this place, and He's promised to be with you ALWAYS! Cast your fears on Him because He cares for you! Goodnight...Sleep in perfect peace. 🙏🏻💜🌈✝️🌺😴

Truth flows freely from the heart...A lie must be manufactured! That's why Jesus said those who practice deceipt would NOT be in heaven! 🤨

When the dust settles and the smoke clears...when the death dew is on your brow and the sun sets on your life and work...the only thing that will REALLY matter is...Do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ??? ✝️🌈🙏🏻❤

Though the world and and all we hold dear perish around us yet will we cling to Your strong and unchanging hands O Lord! For in them we find our refuge and strength! ✝️

Attitude... What makes a Bad day BETTER and a Good day GREAT!!!🌺🌈🦋😉🤩🙏❤️

If you're a Christian, there's a reason, a time and a purpose for everything you do, say, think or feel...Don't let the world stifle that God-given unction...We need you! ✝️🌄🙏❤

I'm just sayin'...We make a lot of fuss over an enemy that Paul looked forward to facing! If we had his confidence in life and hope after death, we would too! ✝️🌹🙏🛐

If you know Jesus in the valley, He'll show you the mountaintop...If you know Him in sorrow, He'll bring joy beyond measure...but if you know Him in death...He'll give you LIFE everlasting! ✝️🙏🌹

If we could only be like dogs...Content to have something to eat and drink and unconditionally love everyone! 🐕❤😉🌺

Jesus showed us mercy we did not deserve and grace we could not earn...Without either, we would die in our sins! Hallelujah what a Savior!

If you're a Christian, there's a reason, a time and a purpose for everything you do, say, think or feel...Don't let the world stifle that God-given unction...We need you! ✝️🌄🙏❤

The Bible says that we're supposed to worship our Creator...Evidently some folks think they created themselves!

Loving God is the heart of worship! ❤

All paths in life lead to a god of some sort...Make sure yours leads to THE God! ✝️🙏🛐

If we don't THANK God for His blessings in the good times, how can we expect Him to HEAR us in the bad? 🤔

🌺 It's not what life holds for you that's important...It's what you bring to it! ❤️

Wisdom is the God-given ability to discern what is best to do in a situation BUT, it includes the strength of character to act on that knowledge! ❤

🦋 Don't just LOOK at life...🌺Learn to LIVE it to the fullest! 😊 ✝️🙏📖

King Saul of Israel consistently approached God as a last resort, after he had tried everything else… God is much too great to be an afterthought! When we turn to Him FIRST, we’ll never have to turn to Him as a LAST resort! ❤

Just as the Holy Spirit took temporary control of Saul but didn’t take residence in him, (as revealed later in his life), so it is in our day. The Holy Spirit can use ANYONE to accomplish His will but only take residence in those who place their faith in Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for their sins! Does He live in you? ❤

I've learned that life is much better lived when you don't center it on what's happening around you but rather on what's happening inside you...

God didn’t choose Israel to be ‘His people’ because He loved them more than any other race of people, but because He knew they would be the vehicle through whom He would fully reveal Himself to humanity! In so doing, they might become His channel of blessing to the world through the Messiah! (Genesis 12:1-3)

I'm learning that life is much better lived when you don't center it on what's happening around you but rather on what's happening inside you...Love you all! ❤

Our so-called sacrifices to God, whether in time, money or talent, are empty, meaningless and hollow if they aren’t offered from an obedient heart of true devotion and love for God!

There’s no such thing as luck or coincidence if you’re a Believer…God is directing your life for His purpose!

Either God is #1 in your life Or...an IDOL is!

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I'm a great place for you to tell your story and let your visitors know a little more about you.

Life's not about ME (or YOU)...It's all about OTHERS...The Creator of the universe and all that exists made that very clear when He said "I came NOT to be SERVED, but to SERVE!"

Don’t let fear keep you from doing what God wants you to do…Only after you take the first step to obey, will you find the courage to move ahead! ❤

Demanding ‘signs’ from God is an indication of unbelief because we’re asking God to confirm what we should already know to be true!

I'd rather put my faith and hope in the unseen God of the ages than in anything this decaying old world has to offer! Hope is eternal and so is our great and merciful God...ever vigilant to meet the needs of His people! ❤🙏🌈✝️

I’m just sayin’, but in my lifetime I’ve given God a million reasons to not love me, but none of them changed His mind.

The fear of death is a formidable enemy but we need not fear because Christ has already defeated that foe in our behalf. Roosevelt said it and I agree...'We have nothing to fear but fear itself!'

Most people fear death because they don't know what lies beyond it's door...Christians DON'T fear death because we know Who's behind the door!

If we become more concerned with the 'means' of worship rather than the 'One' we worship, we'll miss God even though we think we're worshipping Him! 🤔

The rewards of loving and obeying God are far greater than anything the world has to offer! ❤

We need to keep our ‘supposed’ blessings in the proper perspective. PROSPERITY sometimes focuses on self-effort and can dull our spiritual growth because it tends to make us self-sufficient and desire more of everything EXCEPT God! POVERTY on the other hand many times causes us to focus on our dependency upon God's provision and our total reliance upon Him alone!

There’s a difference between doing something because it’s REQUIRED and doing something because we WANT to. God isn’t interested in forced religious exercises and rule-keeping. He wants our hearts and lives completely dedicated to Him, and if we truly LOVE Him…OBEDIENCE will follow!

God said He'd show mercy to those who LOVED Him AND kept His commandments... There's no REAL love without obedience! 🌺💖😔

God led His people into a land flowing with milk and honey! If you'll be faithful, He'll lead you to your Promised Land too! 💖

When Peter told us to "cast all our cares upon Him" (Jesus), he didn't say that we were to keep just a few of those cares or concerns to ourselves to worry about! Place ALL YOUR CARES UPON JESUS AND THEN SIT BACK AND WATCH HIM MEET THOSE NEEDS without your help at all!!! ❤️️🌈🌹✝️🙏

In the wilderness the Israelites complained to one another and things got worse. Moses prayed to God and all was well! 💖

Jesus likened anger to murder! Unchecked bitterness and anger corrupts our lives and will ultimately destroy us! 😦

Be careful to weigh the words against the actions of those who would claim to offer spiritual help... 🤔

The killing of animals in our place is no longer required by God. He wants 'living' sacrifices...He wants us! 🙏🌺

Against God's command, Moses struck the rock and was denied entrance into the Promised Land...Sin has consequences!

The false god's of the Canaanites were no match for THE God of Israel and were destroyed! They're no match for Him today either!

When adversity strikes, pain and heartache sets in…when your heart feels hollow and the light grows dim, remember…when we have nothing left but God…God is enough.

There are few things in life we have total control over…Isn’t it ironic that the most important…whether we’ll spend eternity in Heaven or Hell…Is one of them???

Forgiveness is not a fruit that needs time to mature and ripen...Forgiveness is an immediate act of the will and is ALWAYS unconditional!

The Tin Man told Dorothy..."I know that I have a heart...because I can feel it breaking." If you love someone, eventually it's going to cost you something...the price of a broken heart...Goodnight friends!

It’s not how high you jump when you praise God that matters…It’s how strait you walk when you hit the ground!

When we fall into sin, we sacrifice our freedom in Christ AND our spiritual power and become the slave of that sin!

From the bright, cheery lights in the stores, malls and shopping centers to the warmth of a 'hello', 'how ya doin' or handshake...everything about the Christmas season reminds us of the beauty of the Savior Whose birth we celebrate!

🌺 True love expresses itself in selfless acts that sometimes cause us pain...but through the crucible of suffering our lives are made perfect and complete as God fashions us in His glorious image! 💖

Don’t ever lose hope…because when the sun goes down the stars are soon to follow!

You don’t have to ask God for blessings…they’re all around. I call them friends, and today I’m thanking God for all my beautiful blessings! 💖

The Bible says "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God"...Believe me, only the pure in heart would want to!

Your life is God’s gift to you…What you do with it is your gift to God.

God is NOT in the 'hurting' business...He's in the 'healing' business...and we should be too, because the greatest tragedy in life is not that things get broken...but that they're not mended again!

I'm just sayin' but wouldn't it be nice if we got wiser BEFORE we got older?

I've come to realize that no matter what life circumstance we find ourselves in, no matter what trial or tribulation may come our way, or what calamity may befall us...there is HOPE for a heart attuned to God and joy truly does come in the morning!

Isn't it comforting to know that no matter where we come from or where we're going, where we've been or ever hope to go there's One there Who knows us better than we could ever know ourselves...And yet He loves us anyway...Jesus!


In my lifetime I've given God a million reasons NOT to love me, BUT...none of them changed His mind!

I’m just sayin’ but the longer I live the more certain I am that we don’t love people because they’re beautiful…They’re beautiful because we love them!

If any truth, found upon this earth, leads only to the Glory of God…it cannot be of Satan!

It seems like we’re always waiting for our ship to come in, or for something good to just ‘turn up’…Why don’t we START with our shirt sleeves???

We can’t experience real joy and true happiness until we’ve been through the fires of disappointment, hurt and pain… because true joy is born in sorrow.

Remember, You are fearfully and wonderfully made, a Masterpiece...fresh from the hands of God!...Rejoice and be glad because HE did when he created you!

True love is always demonstrated by how much you give out of what you cherish!

God help us to be all that we can be in this life, so that in the one to come… we can be closer to You.

I’m just sayin’, but it’s never too late to live Happily Ever After!

I’m just sayin’, but sometimes the best things in life are unseen…That’s why we close our eyes when we kiss, when we cry and when we dream!

If we become more concerned with the ‘means’ of worship rather than the ‘One’ we worship, we’ll miss God even though we think we’re worshipping Him!

You don’t have to worry about anything, because everything will be okay in the end…So if everything’s not okay…it’s not the end.

There’s a comfortableness in Christianity that should make us all very uncomfortable…*

For additional reading...

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBjxmRmiHCo&t=24s




Eternal life is not based on the merit system but rather on the mercy system! God loves us no matter what we’ve done or haven’t done but it’s up to us to avail ourselves of that mercy! ❤


13.10.2019 18:03

Tammy Thomas Cook

Thank you for sharing your wisdom & heart with us. God bless you.

13.10.2019 20:04

Tim Snider

It's my pleasure and my joy Tammy! Thank you!

13.10.2019 12:32


YES on all of these! So grateful.

26.12.2019 15:13

Tim Snider

Thank you so much JT...

13.10.2019 13:09

Tim Snider

Thank you so much Jessie!