“For now we see through a glass, dimly…but then face to face: now I know in part; but then I will know even as also I am known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12)

For right now, we can only imagine what heaven will be like…it's like looking into a shrouded, obscure, first century mirror…only beholding the outlined image…but then, after the veil has been pulled away and death has ushered in the present reality will we see the face of Jesus!

The face we’ve sought for so long…the face and the person Who loved us when no one else would. The eyes that longed to see and the arms that longed to caress the crown of His creation ‘face to face.’

He will know me and I will know him and we’ll all know each other as we were known on this earth…There will never, ever be separation and loss of loved ones because we will be perfect and complete…safe in the arms of Jesus!

He Knows My Name


18.09.2019 11:34

Denise Chauvin

So thankful for this promise of completion! Thank you for this uplifting message!

18.09.2019 12:04

Tim Snider

Thank you dearest friend!